/    /  Parent Agreement

Parent Agreement

This document lets you (parents/carers) know what to expect from Little Holland Nursery, and also what we expect from you. It forms part of the agreement between the parents/carers and the nursery.


  • Current Fees and Funding Options can be found here
  • Fees are payable in to our bank account by the 1st of the month for that month e.g. fees for January are payable by the 1st January
  • Invoices for fees will be sent out approximately 2 weeks before they are due
  • We understand that parents/carers may occasionally be unable to pay on time due to unexpected circumstances. When that is the case, parents/carers must inform the nursery before the payment date, so that a new payment date can be agreed.
  • Where fees are left unpaid, the nursery will first issue a warning and then may have to exclude the child from nursery until fees have been paid. We will however do everything we can to avoid this.
  • The nursery will give one month’s notice of a change in fees. Fees may be reviewed at any time but are usually updated each September.
  • For children attending year-round, fees are generally calculated so that equal payments are due each month. These are calculated by multiplying the weekly fees by 52, and dividing by 12 months.
  • For children attending term-time only, fees are usually charged for the actual number of term-time days that month, although in some cases we can charge 11 equal monthly amounts.
  • A £50 deposit is payable to reserve a space at the nursery. This is refunded upon your child starting at the nursery, either via bank transfer or as a credit on the first invoice
  • Fees are payable 52 or 38 weeks (term time only) per year regardless of closures beyond our control (due to weather and mechanical breakdowns etc within the nursery), bank holidays, illness etc

Collection of Children

  • Your child must be collected at or prior to your designated time. Late collections will be charged at £8.00 per half hour for the first hour and then at £10 per half hour following.
  • If you are late for any reason it is essential that you contact the nursery to inform them.
  • If someone other than the known parent/carer is collecting from the nursery staff must be informed, with a full description of the person collecting, along with a password. Children will not be released without this information.


  • Please inform us immediately of any change to personal details, address, phone numbers etc. in writing (via email or the Famly app) where possible.
  • We will try to accommodate changes in days on a temporary basis but please note this may not be possible due to staffing.
  • 4 weeks notice is required in writing to end the contract and 4 weeks fees will be charged.


  • The nursery adopts a healthy eating policy
  • Drinking water is available to all children at all times of day and milk is available at all meal times.
  • If your child has special dietary requirements please inform the nursery in writing
  • Further details on the food and menu can be found here

Parent Communications

  • We pride ourselves on our open door policy and invite parents to speak to us about any concerns they may have. If it is private then please make an appointment so that we can arrange staffing accordingly.
  • Nursery staff will share your child’s progress though their ‘learning journey’, through morning and afternoon updates, and through regular parent consultations
  • We follow the EYFS framework and activities are planned to support this on a daily basis
  • Full details of parent communications can be found here


  • Please do not send your child to nursery if you feel they are unwell. Remember that germs travel!
  • Children will not be admitted to nursery until they have been clear of symptoms of sickness and diarrhea for 48 hours.
  • Medication can be administered as long as the child’s name appears on the bottle and a medicine form has been signed. Children must have been taking the medication for at least 48 hours before being allowed to take it at nursery, to allow for possible allergies.

Child Protection

  • It is important to inform staff of any bumps or bruises that your child may have incurred at home.
  • Please inform staff of any incident at home that may affect your child’s behavior eg. Birth of a new baby, loss of a relative or pet, break up with a partner etc
  • If your child sustains an injury at nursery you will be informed. Details of the accident will be recorded on a form which you will be asked to sign as confirmation that you have been informed.
  • Information about all children is confidential and as such staff will not discuss any child with another family.
  • We follow strict safeguarding procedures.

Equal Opportunities

  • The managers and staff will work at all times to ensure that your child has a happy, exciting and stimulating time with us
  • The nursery respects all cultures, ethnic and religious needs that you or your child may have.
  • Our children will be finding out about many different cultural and religious festivals that are not necessarily part of your culture

Full Policies & Procedures

  • The nursery operates based on a number of policies set out on this website, and also available upon request at the nursery.